This In home family session in Simsbury, CT was one of my favorites. This is the perfect environment for amazing family pictures with a toddler and a new born.
To start, I was greeted by 4 year old London, with a huge hug. He was so excited for our session. We started with London in his very cool fireman room, which his dad built him. Including a loft, with a slide, and a firetruck bed . How cool is that?
Thank you so much to the Stillman’s for welcoming me into their beautiful house, for a family session.
If you are interested in booking a session in your home with your newborn or toddler, I will gladly suggest a few ideas that make it work well. In this session, you can’t see it, but when baby got sleepy, and big brother restless and tired, Dad turned the TV on (bed pictures) a little trick that kept him still and entertained while cuddling with little brother. The outfits that Rebecca chose were complimentary and neutral, highlighting the babies, and not their clothing. Having a bright white backdrop, bright big windows, and lots of cozy rugs for snuggling on the floor were also helpful.
Tips To Book A Session At Home
I recommend booking 4-6 weeks in advance. Plan around your child’s schedule. After a nap, or in the morning. You know your kids better than anyone, so work around what you think is the best time of day. Feel free to use a bribe if you must, A lollipop, a cookie, a new little toy. Whatever is motivating to your child. Keep it fun and relaxed, allow at least an hour so that no one is rushed. Being at home is a wonderful way for kids to feel comfortable. I find they love to show me their rooms, or a new book, which makes for great lifestyle pictures. If you have a newborn or baby think about a bath, before getting them dressed. It makes for some really cute pictures!
Want to see more family sessions? See this post from a few years ago.